Learn how to monetize an app.
Free guides, tutorials and how to’s on in-app advertising, in-app purchases and app monetization.
The commercialisation of the Internet has rapidly changed the technology business landscape. In the new mobile economy, one incredibly disruptive innovation has been the incorporation of in-app purchases…
The advertising industry has evolved with its measurability and accountability over the years. For the case of mobile advertising, two pricing models are widely used to inform budgeting…
Generally speaking, the number of mobile applications is growing rapidly, with approximately 100,000 new mobile applications published every month, and 1 million already accessible. To further exacerbate issues,…
While developing the MVP for Instagram, its creators probably would have never thought, down the lane, Facebook would acquire it for US$1 billion. Same is the case with…
Mobile apps are synonymous with smartphones. They make smartphones complete and are critical elements that make these devices “smart”. People spend 90% of mobile time on apps, and…
If you asked app entrepreneurs about the superpower they wish to possess, most of them would probably opt for “enhanced insights”. Luckily, there’s something close to this superpower…
94% of the mobile game developers utilise in-game advertising in their free-to-play games. Marketers have more avenues to market their brands, with a broader range of audiences to…
It was 2008. Mobile apps had just become a thing with Apple’s App Store opening in July that year, followed by the Google Play Store (then known as…
App development companies can’t rest on their laurels after creating and publishing an app. Instead, they need to market the app, acquire a reliable user base and ultimately…
It has been 12 years since mobile apps exploded into the scene. Over this time, app monetization methods have evolved, giving developers a decent chance to cover their…