It turns out that bulls are not the only ones going berserk when they see red. Apparently men, too, are knocked a little senseless when they meet this color of power, fortune and joy.

Oddly enough, products with prices colored in red elicit an upbeat feeling in men. Men actually perceive greater savings on these products. Whoa!

Here’s an additional fact that will surely entice app developers: Although the percentage of male and female gamers are about equal nowadays, men outspend women 9 to 1 on virtual goods (MocoSpace, 2011).

bejeweledWant your male app users to think your best deal is really a best deal? Then make the best deal price red! Source: Bejeweled Blitz

Armed with these two pieces of information, you can now cash in on a man’s weakness for the color red and get them to empty their pockets on your app. In your in-app purchase, color your price red. Or if you have a list of price options, color your “Best Deal” red. Make us men believe we are getting good value for our money.

And what about women? Surprisingly (or not), they are unmoved by any form of price coloring because they have a habit of meticulously analyzing a “best deal” before making a purchase decision.

It’s time to admit it. When it comes to the color red, men are shallow.

Are Men Seduced by Red? The Effect of Red Versus Black Prices on Price Perceptions

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